Dear Blog,
Je suis désolé.  I hope you wont take it against me for not writing you for quite some time. Err, okay, I’m sorry for not writing  for the past days weeks?, OKAY MONTHS. I did write once. Anyway, I’m really contemplating of creating one helluva, kickass blog site. Something that is worth reading, worth adding to favorites or bookmark, something worthy for a news paper article, something worthy of an entire episode of Oprah. Tough one, eh?  Well, I guess I have to say bye-bye to Procrastination and say hello to, err, Consistency? The point is I want to unload all of my random thoughts, evil plans, secret fantasy and hodgepodge of angst , rants and rage from my brain. Or else I have to buy an external brain to contain all of that. Also, I’ve been hearing that the voices in my head are planning to sue me. They’re claiming my random thoughts are now occupying the space they use to have. tsk tsk tsk.
Sad, eh? Anyway, i guess we’ll be seeing each other more often. *fingers’ crossed, toes’ crossed*  I just hope the Procrastination found a new friend somewhere else and never hang out with me again. Or else, this will be another one-post-wonder, if there is such a thing. Well, that’s all for now, my friend. I’ll be writing you more often.
a renewed blogger
Likha Niron © August 2006
Repost and edited. Initially posted on my friendster blog last August 15, 2006 under "Letters" title.  

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